Thursday, October 30, 2014

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  1. Collier:
    @Collier says that as educators we need to encourage and embrace diversity in the classroom rather than forcing one language and one culture

  2. Delpits main idea in other people's children is teaching rules and codes of power in the classroom Explicitly tell the rules in the class

  3. @Collier teaches that although students may speak different languages, it is not up to the teacher to change it but rather embrace it #els

  4. We must acknowledge our roles in the #privileges in society. We are all part of the problem. We must all be a part of the solution. #teamwork

  5. @LisaDelpit wants people w. power to take initiative & help teach codes/rules to kids who don't so they can be successful #COP

  6. By not helping people in need, institutions in power keep a system of poverty and racism in place. #realtalk

  7. @Collier stresses the importance of the proper way to teach multilingual children in the classroom. #EmbraceTheFirstLanguage #Diversity

  8. @Delpit believes teachers are responsible for teaching the rules and codes of power to students who may not already be part of it.

  9. Delpit:
    The rules and codes of power must be taught in order for everyone to succeed in the culture of power #awarenessforall #beapartofthepower

  10. lost culture? lost family connection? Because this is America and we speak english #questionmark

  11. Collier;
    don't eliminate 1st lang-use to teach 2nd don't force 2nd lang do encourage code switching & lang exploration & cultural awareness

  12. @Delpit The culture of power should be taught not protected. The struggle of kids outside it, are at a disadvantage. Be clear & be direct!

  13. @Lisa Delpit discusses the culture of power in every school environment. For instance the codes of power, and those who have power in school.

  14. Oh, Media... You and your crazy plots to control the masses. #secreteducation #Christensen #myTVliedtome #wakeup
